Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Shocking Facts About Internet For Business

Other times, when you are caught surfing at work, do not apologize. Because, it turns out has an unexpected impact.

The study found that surfing the web can refresh employees and make them more productive and become better workers.

Those who surf the internet for the rest of the work will come back with better preparation compared to those who enjoy using the telephone or SMS boyfriend.

Researchers concluded, browse the web is able to give 'an important restorative function' for those who stuck the computer all day long. Researchers asked 96 students to be three groups, control group, the 'rest' and groups cruising the web.

Each person was asked to spend 20 minutes to highlight as many letter 'e' on the sample. The result is found, the web browser significantly more productive and effective in doing the work than the other groups.

In another group found, mental fatigue to achieve lower levels, boredom and resistance levels become higher.

Don Authros Cen and Vivien Lim from the National University of Singapore said, "Selecting a preferred site visit will give the effect of rest which is fun and rejuvenating."

The results of this study will be presented at the annual meeting of the Academy Management in San Antonio, Texas, United States (U.S.), as written Dailymail.

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