Wednesday, August 24, 2011

IPhone Users Claimed More Successful than Android Users

The latest survey of the site Hunch briefly expose different characteristics of users of the iPhone with the Android-based phone users.

Hunch is a site designed as a system of decision-makers based on one's interests. Not long ago, Hunch conducted a survey to find out the differences in the character of Android users with iPhone users and managed to get the answers of 15,818 respondents.

The result is quite surprising. Android users as much as 86 percent more likely to live in the suburbs or rural areas compared to iPhone users. In addition, users of Android also has a greater chance for high school graduates (80 percent) and is a type of 'follower' instead of leaders (71 percent) and has an annual income between $ 50 thousand (Rp425 million) to $ 100 thousand (Rp851 million).

The characters are in stark contrast compared to the iPhone users who are most likely to have an annual income of more than $ 200 thousand or Rp1, 7 billion (67 percent). They are also more likely is a woman (18 percent). Hunch reported that reported by Cnet, on Wednesday (17/08/2011).

IPhone users are also more frequent travelers than Android users, where 50 percent of them had already visited more than five countries. Meanwhile, 71 percent of Android users might never come out from their respective countries.

So, what about other OS like Windows users and a BlackBerry?

Hunch Based on the survey, the average character-based Windows OS users are women who live in the suburbs, have the extrovert nature and not very frequent travelers.

While BlackBerry users have a number of female users and men who balanced. They also embrace liberal politics that enjoys city life, has the nature of introverted and more frequent travel.

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