Monday, April 25, 2011

Will There Be A Twilight Spin-Off Starring Taylor Lautner??

"Team Jacob fans will be happy about this!
Stephenie Meyer has announced that she would consider writing a Twilight spin-off that would focus on Jacob Black and ahem, (spoiler: stop reading if you haven't read the fourth installment of the series) Renesmee Cullen.
When asked about whether or not he would be into the idea, Taylor Lautner said:
"Breaking news to me here…That would be interesting. Stephenie comes up with the craziest things. I'm sure she could go on. That's a crazy thought."
Umm, not that crazy. Twilight is a huge franchise and having a spin-off centered around one of the books' most beloved characters means mucho buck$$$.
The real question is whether or not KStew or RPatz would be willing to come back.
Thoughts, Twi-Hards??"

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