Friday, May 27, 2011

Awesome Wedding Cakes

Wedding cake

Tradition generally requires that the first cut of the cake be performed by bride and groom together, often with a ceremonial knife or even a sword. An older, archaic tradition had the bride serve all portions to the groom’s family as a symbolic transfer of her household labor from her family to the groom’s family.
Tradition may also dictate that the bride and groom feed the first bites of this cake to each other. Again, this may symbolize the new family unit formed and the replacement of the old parent-child union. For some, it is also fairly popular for the bride and groom to shove the cake in each other’s faces rather than eating it.
Wedding cake

Other guests may then partake of the cake, portions may be taken home or shipped to people who missed the festivities. (An old tradition held that if a bridesmaid slept with a piece of wedding cake beneath her pillow she might dream of her future husband.A portion may be stored, and eaten by the couple at their first wedding anniversary, or at the christening of their first child- The cake may be frozen for this purpose, formerly the top tier of the cake might consist of fruitcake which could be stored for a great length of time.

Wedding cake

Wedding cake

Wedding cake

Wedding cake

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