Friday, January 14, 2011

SHOTS FIRED! Drake Takes Jabs At Jay-Z and Kanye West!

Drake said in a recent interview that he's working on a new album with Lil Wayne and sounds like took some shots at Jay-Z.

"I'll be on [Tha Carter IV], though ... We've done a great song ... and then we're going to do another one, and another one,"
Then he added,

"We still got to do that album. I heard some other guys are coming out with an album, too. There's two other rappers that are coming out with an album together. ... I don't know where they got that idea but.."
Ouch. Drake must be referring to Kanye West's and Jay-Z's album "Watch The Throne."

Damn, Drake, you taking jabs at the almighty Hov like that? lol

--->> Check out Kanye and Jay-Z first single off their album below:

Kanye West f/ Jay- Z "Ham" (#New #Music)

...kinda wish Drake would've signed with Jay, in the first place. *shrugs*

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